Stanley Park Church Liverpool
Stanley Park Church Liverpool
Apr 18, 2023
In February 2023 Stanley Park Church became a founding member of the association of 1689 confessional Baptist Churches of Great Britain ACBC for short. We adopted the 1689 confession of faith as our Churches robust confession a few years ago when we realised that the Church could be wide open to wolves who prey on Churches whose doctrine isn't nailed down properly. This has given us protection against ecumenical, liberal, charismatic and false teaching. Since then we have grown a lot, doctrinaly and numerical, with many people professing faith in Christ and being Baptised, all to the Glory of God's Amazing Grace. Since then we made contact with ACBC when it was in the formation stages, we where invited on board to join the discussions and as a Church saw the benefits of associating with like minded Churches for fellowship and mutual edification and support. We greatly look forward to seeing what the Lord has in store by Him gracious providence, for our Church and all those involved. To God be the glory, great things He hath done.