Astang Ayurveda Hospital :: Ayurvedic Hospital in Bhubaneswar
Astang Ayurveda Hospital :: Ayurvedic Hospital in Bhubaneswar
Apr 12, 2021
5 Steps to fight Psoriasis Let us consider some facts. Psoriasis is a skin disease. Skin disease takes place due to impure blood. Blood comes out of food. Bad food and poor digestion process create bad blood. So, food should be good and digestion should be proper. Skin is the index of mind. When a young man gets angry his face become red. When a girl gets emotional with love her face becomes red. A child’s face becomes white out of fear. Out of fear an adult person becomes black. All this feelings like anger, fear and love take place in the mind. But the skin gets discolored. Heart is the seat of mind. If the hearts get stimulated, the mind becomes active. Through walking we can keep our mind active. Active mind keeps skin healthy. During the day time we take maximum food. During the night we sleep maximum. A derailment in the habit of food and sleep gets us unhealthy. 1. Getup early in the morning in between 4 am to 6 am. Go for a morning brisk walk for 45 minutes. 2. Go for an early morning sun exposure with minimum dress on the body. 3. Avoid taking water in empty stomach in the morning. But take water in regular interval round the day. 4. Breakfast at 8 am, lunch at 1 pm and dinner at 7 pm. Minimize intermittent snacks. Avoid food made of flour (powdered grain). 5. Go to bed in between 9 pm to 10 pm. Learn More: Conclusion: - Guided food habit and lifestyle by the patient helps the doctor beat Psoriasis.