Mill City Heating & Cooling
Mill City Heating & Cooling
May 7, 2019
AC season is nearly here in Minneapolis-St. Paul MN and Mill City Heating & Cooling is here for all your air conditioning needs. If you have an old AC with R-22 refrigerant, now is a good time to think about upgrading to a new air conditioning system with the new 410A refrigerant, as the last year of the R22 phase-out is 2020. That means R-22 refrigerant will no longer be produced or imported to the US. The phase-out of R-22 refrigerant has caused the price of the refrigerant to spike significantly. This has caused homeowners to consider if it's worth spending between $400-$1700 to recharge their old air conditioner that is leaking the R-22 refrigerant, or to replace their air conditioner with a new, more efficient unit. Recently, one of our loyal customers decided to stop recharging his old air conditioner, as the last R-22 recharge cost him $875. He decided that instead of throwing his money away, he would upgrade to a new air conditioner with the new environmentally friendly 410A refrigerant. Now that our customer has a new air conditioning coil, refrigerant line, and condenser, he no longer has to worry about expensive refrigerant leaking out of his air conditioner.