Atlanta Institute of Music and Media
Atlanta Institute of Music and Media
Jun 2, 2021
No matter how big or small the venue is, even if you are singing in your studio, you should always warm up to give the best of you and your talent. Some great warm-ups are: -The Vocal SeeSaw One thing that should be included in every vocal warm-up is an articulation exercise. You need to really get your mouth moving because you do not want to mumble during your performance. That's where the vocal seesaw can help. Start at the bottom of your vocal range, and in one breath, sing up and back down over a major scale. Make sure to anchor your bottom note so that you sing the same note in between every other note you sing, so it resembles a seesaw. In the key of C, it looks like this: CD, CE, CF, CG, CB, CC, and then back down. -Lip Bubble The lip bubble will get your voice warm and reduce vocal tension all at the same time. You might remember these from your childhood or if you have kids now. Lip bubbles are very similar to blowing a raspberry. To do a lip bubble, start by putting your fingers into your cheeks near your lips on both sides of your mouth. Relax your lips, jaw, and tongue. Now the fun part. Blow a raspberry without any sound until you can get that going consistently without breaking the flow of air. Once you've got it going consistently, add an "ahh" sound while you do it. Atlanta Institute of Music and Media 2875 Breckinridge Blvd #700, Duluth, GA 3009 Become a warm-up expert by reading (and practicing) more exercises by clicking the learn more button.
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