ProSmile Dental Implant Center
ProSmile Dental Implant Center
Apr 6, 2023
Dental implants is the most preferred dental treatment for addressing tooth loss. It is a revolutionary treatment that allows patients to restore speaking and chewing functions, aesthetics and quality of life permanently, by replacing lost teeth efficiently and securely. ProSmile Dental Implant Center near Phoenix, Arizona, provides a full range of dental implant solutions; All-On-X, Single and Multiple Implants, Snap-On Implant Dentures, and Zygomatic Implants. Each implant is placed with exact accuracy and care, guaranteeing the best possible aesthetic and functional results. All-On-4 or All-On-6 are made to replace an entire arch of missing teeth, while single and multiple implants can replace one or more lost teeth. Snap-on implant dentures provide a secure solution to denture instability. When it comes to Zygomatic implants, they are used for cases of serious bone loss where implants are attached to the cheekbone. Based on your case, our experienced dentists will tell you which dental implant treatment is best for you. If you are thinking about having dental implants, schedule a free appointment with us today to learn more about this pain-free dental solution that can transform your smile.