Derek Steenson Attorney At Law
Derek Steenson Attorney At Law
Sep 10, 2019
Right to a Trial
Sep 10 - Nov 10
Criminal Defendants have a right to a trial. At trial, the burden is on the prosecution to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the defendant committed the crimes charged. The defendant doesn't have to do anything. There is no burden placed on the defendant to prove anything, because all defendants are presumed innocent. At the trial the prosecution will call witnesses and enter evidence against the defendant. The defendant has the right to cross examine any and all witnesses who testify for the prosecution. The defendant also has the right to call into question any non-testimonial evidence presented against him or her. The defendant does not have to testify on his or her behalf. The defendant does not have to introduce any evidence, and does not have to call any witnesses. If you have been convicted of a criminal charge, Know your Rights! Call Derek Steenson for your FREE Initial Consultation 215-253-8658
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