Pulse Skin & Hair Clinic
Pulse Skin & Hair Clinic
Aug 3, 2022
HAIRFALL MYTHS OR FACT? Anti hair fall shampoo ✅There are no ingredients in shampoos what can control hair fall. Shampoos only clean the scalp Not shampooing ✅Many people refrain from shampooing thinking it will exacerbate hairfall. Keeping scalp clean is important. So please wash your hair regularly Onion juice ✅There is no scientific evidence to suggest that onion juice reduces hair fall Lemon and curd ✅Curd may help in relieving dandruff to some extent but lemon can no business coming near the scalp Oil massage ✅Oil massage will not control hair fall. It can be relaxing and may help in relieving stress. But if you are having a lot of hair fall, oil massage will not help Biotin supplement ✅Contrary to popular belief biotin deficiency is rare. So, just popping biotin tablets will not stop hair fall. Hair cut ✅Getting a hair cut has minimal effect on hairfall. If you cut your hair short, the hair fall will be less visible as long strands grabs our attention more