Wellness dental clinic
Wellness dental clinic
Nov 6, 2020
Clinical Case: Solving Esthetic Issues in the Anterior Region with Composite Using 3M™ Filtek™ Universal Restorative. the options to improve the esthetics and protect the remaining tooth structure. Does Bonding look natural? If you're wondering if tooth bonding looks natural, the answer is yes. The dental bonding material is specially formulated, and color matched to resemble the natural teeth. Most people won't realize you have a bonded tooth unless you decide to point it out. Does bonding ruin your teeth? Does Cosmetic Bonding Ruin Teeth? While cosmetic bonding is not permanent, it is no way ruins teeth. After a few years, the material may fade or become chipped, but that does not affect the natural enamel of your teeth itself. If this happens, it is very easy to remove it and put another one without damaging the natural structure of the tooth.