Kent Yoga and Bodyworks
Kent Yoga and Bodyworks
Oct 14, 2019
Kent Yoga and Bodyworks feels that we have so much stress and so many distractions in our lives right now, that it’s nice to do a practice that allows your body mind and spirit to be supported strengthened and balanced. Come anytime…classes are on-going. Wear comfortable, fitted clothing (shorts or leggings) and come on a relatively empty stomach. We provide props. KENT YOGA & BODYWORKS STUDIO Alina Hernandez, Owner 2 Green Pastures Lane Kent, Connecticut 06757 Tel: 860.927.1389 kentgreenct #KentGreenCT #kentyogaandbodyworks #alinahernandez #YogaKentCT #YogaWithAlinaHernandez #KentCT #KentCT