June Roesslein Interiors
June Roesslein Interiors
Mar 21, 2024
Found in Frontenac, Missouri, our interior design firm converts homes into representations of personal design and sophistication. We guarantee your comfort and provide a 100% manufacturer's guarantee. Our professional interior decorator blends timeless design principles with modern innovation to create stylish and functional areas. If you find yourself in nearby Brentwood, MO, make sure you visit these areas: Brentwood Ice Rink - offers a variety of activities including skating and training, as well as presenting ice programs, and hosting events. Oaktree Park - features a pavilion, bbq spots, and a play area, along with jogging trails and benches, making it excellent for family outings. Memorial Park - includes two open-air pavilions, suited play areas for toddlers and older kids, an in-line skating rink, washroom facilities, sipping fountains, and a blend of nature trekking and asphalt tracks for outdoor lovers. Brentwood Park - features a picturesque lake, tracks connecting to an amphitheater, and a beautiful pavilion for scenic views. Contact June Roesslein Interiors today to find out how we can enhance and modify your indoor space! https://local.google.com/place?id=7840727324115335499&use=posts&lpsid=CIHM0ogKEICAgID9k7Da7wE