Water Damage Pro
Water Damage Pro
Jul 29, 2020
Smoke Damage Removal https://repairdamagepro.com/ Smoke Damage Removal There are many tasks that you can handle by yourself, but cleaning smoke damage requires specialized techniques and tools. Our experts at Water Damage Pro Minneapolis have the equipment and training needed for proper smoke damage removal. Our services start by assessing the extent of the damage as well as the condition of your property. Basing on the situation, our technicians will use both onsite and offsite techniques for the restoration of your property. Our onsite smoke damage removal services involve the use of thermal fogging, air scrubbers, and ozone treatments to eliminate smoke and odor particles. We use offsite smoke damage restoration services for more extensive fires. https://www.google.com/maps?cid=8325239936816747852 Water Damage Pro Minneapolis 1917 Park Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55404 (612) 400-8523 Hours: Open 24 Hours https://repairdamagepro.com/ https://waterdamageminneapolis.business.site/posts/8540661365342881071
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