Nov 9, 2019
New Post: How Long Can A Dog Go Without Peeing? - One of the most common questions dog owners have is, "How long can a dog go without peeing?" As a dog owner who travels a lot with their pet, it is vital to determine when your dog needs a potty stop to relieve himself. It's essential to be able to spot some of the signs that indicate potential health issues if your dog seems to pee more or less frequently than usual.This assumes that your dog is on a healthy diet and drinking enough water. So, is your dog's peeing frequency average or irregular? Read on to find out. How Often Should a Dog Pee? Typically, canines pee about three to five times a day or every six to eight hours. Moreover, vets recommend taking your pup out to pee every six to eight hours to keep indoor 'accidents' from happening. However, several factors could affect a dog's peeing habits. Diet, what your dog drinks, size, breed, and age are some of the things that will determine your dog's peeing frequency. Puppies tend to pee more often than full-grown dogs. This is because they have smaller urinary bladders, which can only hold small amounts of urine. Conversely, senior or older dogs might also have to pee more often due to age and some health conditions that older dogs may have. Furthermore, factors like the level of hydration, type of breed, and physical activity can also determine how often a dog needs to relieve itself. How Long Can A Dog Hold Its Pee? If you're unable to let your pup out to p
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