Extreme Solutions I Top Software & Mobile App Development Company in Bangladesh
Extreme Solutions I Top Software & Mobile App Development Company in Bangladesh
Jun 19, 2019
What electronic prescription software is the simplest to use? PrescribeRx is a personalized EHR software is the best solution for doctors to analyze & treat patients using computerized EHR technologies. The prescription writing & medical records management Software is the most popular medical practice management system in Bangladesh. The main benefit of PrescribeRx EMR software is- the system is fully customizable as per your data interaction needs. We will personalize the software data entry and reporting system upon your requirements. 64 bit: https://extreme.com.bd/Download?pid=2 32 bit: https://extreme.com.bd/Download?pid=3 After installation user: 123 Pass: 123 Demonstration link: https://extreme.com.bd/Download?pid=1