Weinstein & Scharf, P.A.
Weinstein & Scharf, P.A.
Jul 10, 2020
Truck Accident Attorney in Fort Lauderdale, FL https://www.fortlauderdalepersonalinjuryfirm.com/ Truck Accident Attorney in Fort Lauderdale, FL While truck accidents are considered very dangerous, if involved, you should consult with a qualified truck accident attorney immediately. The fatal injuries that result from the accident need special medical attention, which may be too much for you to pay. You need compensation from the other driver who caused the accident. Our truck accident attorneys at Weinstein & Scharf, P.A. are highly experienced. We will do our best to ensure that your case is settled and you recover from your injuries. If you need a truck accident attorney in Fort Lauderdale, FL, contact us through (954) 714-9836. We are just a call away. https://www.google.com/maps?cid=858820226708757099 Weinstein & Scharf, P.A. 513 NE 6th St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 (954) 714-9836 Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:30pm https://www.fortlauderdalepersonalinjuryfirm.com/ https://weinstein-scharf-pa.business.site/posts/3545670200798477864
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