Deep Roots Chiropractic Health Center
Deep Roots Chiropractic Health Center
Sep 3, 2021
Best Chiropractor Bentonville AR Dr. Carlson at Deep Roots Health Center is a Cultural Authority on the topic of Concussion and has attended post-graduate trainings on taking care of those affected by a concussion. Whiplash from a car crash occurs at 8-10 G’s of force. Concussions occur at ~90 G’s of force. If you have ever had a concussion or concussion-like symptoms, even if very minor or many years ago, you need to get checked at Deep Roots Health Center. Symptoms can develop years after the incident, and at Deep Roots Health Center, we use the only FDA-approved concussion analysis tools to determine your individual metrics. Additionally, if you have young athletes at home who have never had a concussion, we also offer a Baseline Concussion Analysis so that, in the unfortunate event that your young athlete would ever be concussed, we would have a pre-injury baseline to compare themselves to, which can be hugely beneficial to proper recovery! Call Us Today!
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