Sri Joydip Ashram Gyan Yoga Training and Research Centre
Sri Joydip Ashram Gyan Yoga Training and Research Centre
Jun 29, 2019
Indian Gyan Yoga Tradition had been very 'liberal' all the way ,as 'Liberation' was there ultimate objective, which both 'Elite liberals' and the 'Right wing activist' ,who seem to represent the same tradition, fails to understand, and thinks in other way. Liberals abandoned Indian Gyan Yoga Tradition ,who could be there best ally ,and vouch western education, to show how educated they are, and the right wing activist misrepresent that same tradition, promoting 'intolerance to pularity', showing how uneducated, they are , about what they are representing. The core teachings of Sri Ramakrishna who genuinly represents this Indian Gyan Yoga Tradition ( Sanatan Dharma) was synthesis of all religion, and whose disciple Swami Vivekananda who brought 'Yoga to West' ,was 'tolerance'. The institution they build , have the mission of 'Liberation of one self' and 'service to mankind'. Both Liberals and Right Wing Activist ,should educate themselves about our 'Great Indian Gyan Yoga Tradition', and that is the only way, one hundred thirty crores lives ,of this great nation could be secure,have more harmony , peace and justice, and not face further lynching, racism and hatred. This is the message of 'Unity not uniformity' we wanted to carry forward ,when we tried to find the threads of unity, between two distinctly different classical practices 'Yoga and Bharatnatyam, and its impact in society' . Book for Gyan Yoga Teachers Training 2020