Sri Joydip Ashram Gyan Yoga Training and Research Centre
Sri Joydip Ashram Gyan Yoga Training and Research Centre
Apr 13, 2019
Understanding - Building block of Gyana Yoga Understanding precedes practise, and practise grows understanding. That's why every Yoga practise to sustain and succeed needs understanding, which is building block of Gyana Yoga. World can do without one more Yoga practise, but it cannot do without understanding. Today only , we recieved the author copy of Paperback version of "Innovation@YogaEducation:The Sri Joydip Ashram story" which was nominated for Pentopublish Award .This was a book on understanding our innovation in Yoga Education. Today, we also had an Interesting Wisdom session with participants of Gyan Yoga Teachers Training Program(Prep), on this Book ,and it's context on the history of Gyan Yoga Tradition of India, in Sri Joydip Ashram ,Burdwan. So to be part in this Wisdom session, covering the ancient Indian Civilisation, and the Tradition of Gyan Yoga, which is the roots of modern Yoga practise ,in an encouraging and engaging way , book the Master class of Gyan Yoga, in Intensive Gyan Yoga Teachers Training clicking the book button.