Skin Renewal Claremont
Skin Renewal Claremont
Jun 17, 2019
SUMMER BODIES ARE MADE IN WINTER None of us are happy with our bodies as they are, we all have bots that irritate us, small problems which can be sorted out in a jiffy. You know, those small stubborn areas of fat (belly, thighs & arms) that aren’t responding to dietary changes or exercise? Did you know that non-surgical body contouring treatments can target and destroy fat cells without surgery. We have a variety of machine treatments that either use heat, cold or light to re-contour the body and smooth over those unwanted lumpy and bumpy areas. These include: 1. COLD - CryoLipo Fat Freezing: 2. HEAT - Exilis Elite: 3. LIGHT - Radiofrequency (& Infrared) - Some of these options work by freezing fat cells, others employ heat through the use of ultrasound or radiofrequency energy. They offer a targeted way to reshape areas such as the tummy, love handles, inner thighs and flabby upper arms. #BodyRenewal #SkinRenewalSA #body #health #wellness #bodyshaping #bodysculpting #cryolipo #fatfreezing #ultrasound