Galerie Art Pool Vienna
Galerie Art Pool Vienna
Sep 14, 2020
Vienna Calling II „All you need is Love“
Sep 25 - Oct 9
Atelier Coolpool and ArtCan present 38 international and Austrian artists in Vienna in a group exhibition. The exhibition is curated by Manfredo Weihs, ArtCan - artist and co-founder of Atelier Coolpool in the Galerie Art Pool Vienna. Exhibition run: September 25th - October 9th 2020 Private View: September 25th 2020, 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. Finissage: October 9th 2020, 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. Opening hours of the gallery during the exhibition: Tuesday - Friday: 2pm - 6pm, Saturday: 11am - 3pm, Markgraf-Rüdiger-Straße 13, 1150 Vienna The exhibition shows works by: Sarah Bird - Katie Bowdery - Linda C Burrows - Lasse van den Dikkenberg - KV Duong - Werner Otto Egelhofer - Kate Enters - Michael Erben - Katherine Filice - Daisy Gold - Emma Hill - Dieter Kederst - Kira Phoenix K'inan - Maria Kokkonen - Alexia Koudigkeli - Agnieszka Laskus - Madara Lazdina - Monika Lederbauer - Marlis Lepicnik - Brigitte Lichtenhofer-Wagner - Birgit Lock - Garfield of London - Christine Manderla - Phillip McConnell - Amy Oliver - Manfred Paar - Dagmar Rohm - Brigitte Santol - Franziska Schmalzl - Herwig Maria Stark - Cathy Stocker - Katrine Storebo - Catherine Sweet - Tara - Edeltraud Thier - Andrea Tyrimos - Kas Williams - Sylvia Wutsch
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