Pinnacle Dental
Pinnacle Dental
Oct 14, 2021
Botox And Its Expanded Applications Botox is not just for your mother's forehead wrinkles. It has firmly established itself in dental offices across the country because of its many uses which include functional disorders of the face and cosmetic enhancements. Botox treatments first became know for their use in cosmetic treatments. Botox relaxes muscles for weeks or months and helps reduce lines and wrinkles. It has many advantages such as non-surgical, reversible, simple office visit, and reasonable cost. Later researchers found multiple uses for functional conditions or disorders of the face. One of the most well known uses is for temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD and TMJ). It is also used for teeth clenching, bruxism, chronic migraines, neck spasms, and more. Dentists are some of the most highly educated and trained doctors concerning the head and face. The have extensive and specialized knowledge of the facial joints, muscles, tendons, and bones.
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