Millennial Plastic Surgery
Millennial Plastic Surgery
Jan 17, 2022
Mommy Makeover Procedure: NYC, NY: How Long Does Procedure take? Mommy Makeovers can be performed simultaneously with other plastic surgery procedures like facelifting or body contouring. Mommy Makeovers typically take several hours, depending on how many areas are being worked on at one time. Mommy Makeovers require an overnight stay at the surgery center or hospital if more than one area is treated. If you consider a Mommy Makeover procedure, you may be wondering how long the entire process will take. In general, the Mommy Makeover procedure itself will take about two hours. However, you will need to factor in time for both pre-operative and post-operative care. Pre-operative care usually includes blood work, an EKG, and a consultation with your surgeon. Post-operative care typically includes follow-up appointments and wound care. Most Mommy Makeover patients require at least two weeks of downtime following surgery. If you are planning a Mommy Makeover procedure, be sure to allow enough time for all of the necessary appointments and recovery time.
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