Millennial Plastic Surgery
Millennial Plastic Surgery
Aug 5, 2022
How Much Is Breast Augmentation In NYC, NY? Several factors will affect the cost of your breast augmentation in NYC, NY. The first is the type of implants you choose. Saline implants tend to be less expensive than silicone implants, although both types typically range in price from $3,000 to $5,000. The second factor is the size and shape of the implants you select. Larger implants will generally cost more than smaller ones, and custom-shaped implants may also be more expensive. Finally, your surgeon's fee will also play a role in the overall cost of your procedure. In general, you can expect to pay anywhere from $6,000 to $10,000 for breast augmentation in NYC, NY. However, it is essential to keep in mind that the cost of your procedure should not be your only consideration when choosing a surgeon. Be sure to select a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience performing breast augmentation surgery. It will help ensure that you achieve the best possible results.
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