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$50.00 from eBay - auctionupnow
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$49.95 used from Army Navy Outdoors
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$30.50 from Army and Outdoors USA
+$9.50 shipping
$29.99 from Amazon.com - Seller
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$29.99 used from Army Surplus World
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$79.99 from ArmyNavySales.com
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$120.00 used from www.camoLOTS.com
+$11.09 shipping
$50.00 from Gear Rack
+$12.46 shipping
$115.95 from Tactical World Store
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$89.95 used from Smiths Surplus and Supply
+$12.75 shipping
$99.99 from Army Surplus World
+$11.29 shipping
$29.95 used from Army Navy Outdoors
+$11.95 shipping
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