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$15.00 from eBay - peggedlegsrecords
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$13.94 from Walmart - MovieMars
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$21.45 used from 駿河屋.com
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$139.97 used from eBay - jj_today
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$39.60 used from Bonanza - in the shade collectables
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$33.55 from Amazon.com
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$40.00 from Wasabi Sheet Music
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$9.66 used from eBay - jlstanton
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$28.34 from musicjapanet.com
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$15.25 from Presto Music
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$5.99 used from Graywhale Entertainment
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$37.99 from Play-Asia.com
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$4.16 used from Alibris
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$23.10 used from eBay - biggerpictureproducts
+$4.67 shipping
$9.99 from Barnes & Noble - Barnes and ...
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$22.00 used from Mercari
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