Curly Girl®

Are you a candidate for a CURLY GIRL® haircut?


Are you a curly girl? (Wavy counts too!) Do you want to be able to smooth your hair out and flat iron on a regular basis? If so, ask for a straight hair haircut as Curly Girl® cuts are designed to optimize the look of curly hair when worn that way.


To prepare for a Curly haircut on the day of the haircut:

1. Hair must be worn down and Curly, and Completely Dry.
2. No brushing, no hair ties, scrunchies, barrettes, clips, headbands, etc.
3. The curly girl® method of cutting requires we see the hair in it’s natural form as we will cut your hair dry first, then cleanse and show you how to apply and choose the right products and application methods and tools, to minimize frizz and optimize your curls. Then we will place you under a specialized dryer designed to mimic natural drying.
4. Curly cuts take on average, 1 1/2 hours . We have complimentary wireless, so feel free to bring your laptop while your hair is drying.