Build Land Material

Final M lineBUILD LAND MATERIAL CO. BHD. Was established on December 3, 2010 and registered with the Companies Commission of Malaysia No. Companies 924220-W. Build Land Material Co., Ltd. is a contractor of the Building, Civil Engineering, suppliers of building materials and raw materials, a contractor of the building, Civil Engineering, Building Materials supply, raw Materials as well. Build Land Material Co., Ltd. is a registered company with Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia (CIDB) to Grade 4.

Build Land Material Co., Ltd. is developed on the seriousness of a young man who has a high motivation to succeed and are very confident to develop themselves and push his name up to par with the outside world. Armed with this knowledge in civil engineering, experience and capital, he can set up the company proudly successfully

If the resolve and fortitude to continue on a par with efforts to build the company to realize the dream of becoming a source of inspiration and pride of the country, we believe the company is able to go further in this field as well as entrepreneurs who are proactive and viable in the era of modernization now.


Records of Completed Work Experience

1) Pembersihan dan Pengindahan Sg. Melaka, Melaka Parcel 2 – Pakej 2
Owned Date of Site: 04/06/2012
Completion of Contract: 03/06/2014

Projek BLM - Sg Melaka Projek BLM - Sg Melaka Projek BLM - Sg Melaka Projek BLM - Sg Melaka


2) Menaiktaraf Sistem Bekalan Air Di  Seluruh Felda Negeri Pahang Pakej 4 : Menaiktaraf, Membekal, Mengganti  Dan Mentauliah Paip Air Jenis Mild  Steel Cement Lining (Mscl) Bergaris Pusat Nominal 250mm, Tangki Imbangan 0.45ml, Peralatan Mekanikal Dan Elektrikal  Serta Kerja-kerja Berkaitan Di Loji Air Sg. Tekam, Di Daerah Jerantut, Pahang Darul Makmur.
Owned Date of Site: 10/02/2012
Completion of Contract: 31/01/2013

Projek BLM - Loji Air Sg Tekam Projek BLM - Loji Air Sg Tekam


3) Cadangan Membina Dan Menyiapkan Rumah Kakitangan Jenis C1, D1 Dan Rumah Berkembar Jenis E1 Dan Lain-lain Kerja Yang Berkaitan Di Felda Kota Gelangi 03, Jerantut, Pahang Darul Makmur.
Owned Date of Site: 03/06/2013
Completion of Contract: 01/06/2014

Projek BLM - Rumah Kakitangan Felda Kota Gelangi 3 Projek BLM - Rumah Kakitangan Felda Kota Gelangi 3 Projek BLM - Rumah Kakitangan Felda Kota Gelangi 3 Projek BLM - Rumah Kakitangan Felda Kota Gelangi 3


Product: BLM Wood

Product: Sheet Pile