
Aero Lock & Safe

We are a family-owned and operated locksmithing shop just waiting to help you feel secure. Doug, Don, and Pat bring over 35 years of experience with all types of residential, commercial, automotive locks and safes. Contact Aero Lock & Safe today at (503) 538-0505.

We can duplicate any key you might need including auto smart keys.

Patience, Honor, & Integrity

After working in the locksmith industry for 35+ years, we decided to open our own shop. Aero Lock was born on December 1, 2010, in Grants Pass, Oregon. As a family, we vowed to change people’s perceptions of the local locksmith. Our products would be better, knowledge would be freely given and not shrouded in secrecy. Our honesty and confidentiality would be beyond reproach. We want all who we come in contact with to feel we are dependable as well as reliable.