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Restore Function and Reduce Pain with World-Class Treatment


Where Are You Experiencing Pain?

We offer treatment for all the common pain conditions that occur in the musculoskeletal system.

Area of Pain

Pain within the body often involves multiple interconnected components, including ligaments, tendons, nerves, and muscles. These elements work together within the body's various layers to ensure proper functionality. At Alliance Orthopedics, we recognize the intricate interplay of these layers and focus on addressing each one to promote comprehensive healing and restore optimal function.

Area of Pain
Back PainShoulder PainNeck PainHip PainKnee PainElbow PainFoot & Ankle PainHand & Wrist PainHead Pain

Back Pain

Pain can hinder daily tasks. To tackle back pain, pinpointing its cause is key. Alliance Orthopedics experts are committed to diagnosing and treating your back pain promptly.

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Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain is prevalent among both athletes and weekend warriors. It can arise from various components of the joint and typically worsens with arm movement. Activities like throwing, swimming, or golfing can exacerbate the discomfort due to repetitive motions.

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Neck Pain

The bones and muscles near your upper spine work together to support your head posture. However, even a small imbalance can cause severe neck pain. Treatment varies based on the cause, but accurate diagnosis can bring relief. Alliance Orthopedics offers top-notch care for neck pain, providing precise diagnosis and effective treatment.

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Hip Pain

The hip, a crucial weight-bearing joint, supports you during everyday activities. However, hip pain is common, particularly with age, impacting bones, muscles, joints, or tendons around the hip area. This discomfort can radiate to other areas like the thigh or groin. If your hip pain persists, seek advice from Alliance Orthopedics. Our specialists will diagnose and treat your condition, aiding your recovery.

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Knee Pain

Knee problems are widespread in orthopedics. The knee, a hinge joint, comprises bone, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons, making it prone to injury for people of all ages and activity levels. If you're suffering from knee pain, swelling, instability, or mobility issues, it's crucial to see our orthopedic specialists at Alliance Orthopedics. Our experienced doctors will diagnose the problem and tailor a treatment plan to fit your lifestyle.

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Elbow Pain

Elbow pain is widespread due to frequent arm movement in work, sports, and hobbies, affecting all ages and lifestyles. It can stem from overuse or arthritis, although the elbow wears differently than the spine, knee, or hip.

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Foot & Ankle Pain

When your feet and ankles ache, it's time for action. Alliance Orthopedics focuses on relieving your pain, recognizing each patient's unique foot and ankle care needs. Whether it's a chronic issue or a sports injury, our team is dedicated to providing the right solution.

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Hand & Wrist Pain

Hand pain can stem from various causes like sports injuries, aging, or accidents. Alliance Orthopedics specializes in treating a range of hand and wrist conditions to aid your recovery. Before starting treatment, your provider will assess your hand to identify the source of pain.

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Head Pain

Head injuries vary from mild bumps to severe traumatic brain injuries. Your medical team must identify the exact cause of head pain before treatment. Alliance Orthopedics specializes in diagnosing and treating head pain to aid patient recovery.

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About Us

Alliance Orthopedics Multidisciplinary Practice

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At Alliance Orthopedics, our commitment to comprehensive care is driven by our passion for helping patients reclaim their lives. We believe in a multidisciplinary approach to treatment, recognizing that each individual is unique and deserves a personalized plan for healing and recovery.

Our team consists of highly skilled and experienced professionals, including orthopedic surgeons, sports medicine specialists, chiropractors, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and more. Together, we offer a diverse range of expertise to address various health conditions, such as back pain, arthritis, sports injuries, and vascular concerns.

With a focus on patient-centered care, we strive to redefine the doctor-patient relationship. By blending patients’ preferences with evidence-based medical practices, we aim to create a culture of excellence that ensures every person who walks through our doors receives outstanding care tailored to their specific needs and goals.


Specialties & Treatments

Alliance Orthopedics provides a comprehensive array of orthopedic services, catering to a wide range of musculoskeletal needs. Our offerings include specialized care and an extensive selection of both non-surgical and operative treatments, ensuring that each patient receives tailored solutions for their unique condition.

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