Atlanta’s Leading Weight Loss Facility

Ensure Your Weight Loss Is Successful With Our Premier Weight Loss Facility

Unlock a Healthier You: Enjoy $50 Off the Semaglutide Weight Loss Program at Atlanta Medical Institute Today!

    Our Industry Leading Weight Loss Programs

    Atlanta Medical Institute is home to a number of medicinal weight loss programs that are designed to help alleviate even the most resistant areas of unwanted fat. Meet with our team of experts today to discuss treatment options before deciding which one might be best for your particular needs. In addition to other weight loss strategies, we also offer meal plans, nutritional counseling, supplements, detoxification, FDA-approved medications, and stress reduction strategies.

    Our goal is to help you lose weight, and we put our focus on helping you achieve the health and happiness you deserve, which sets us apart from other weight loss clinics. Our specialists have the experience and resources to ensure your weight loss program is successful, while also making sure that you feel comfortable throughout your treatment. By the time you complete your program, you’re going to feel refreshed and energized: a new you ready to tackle anything!


    Atlanta Medical Institute is the premier provider of a full range of health and wellness services in Atlanta, GA. Our expert doctors, Dr. Jeff Semel and Dr. Elbridge Bills, supported by their professional clinical staff, offer everything from weight loss plans to anti-aging and sexual performance treatments at our state-of-the-art facility.

    In addition to decades of experience, our team has extensive training in the latest, most innovative technologies and treatment programs, including weight loss. Call us today to get $100 off any 3 month weight loss program!

    Call Now!

    Your Atlanta, Georgia Anti-Aging, Weight-Loss, and Health Services

    We specialize in a wide variety of health treatments including medical weight loss programs. Our goal is to help each of our patients reach their health and aesthetic goals through a precise treatment plan carefully curated by Dr. Elbridge Bills and Dr. Jeff Semel. Take advantage of the services we offer to discover a whole new you.






