Curing Erythrophobia. Your Fear Of Blushing: Health Facts On Facial Blushing Causes. Blushing Surgery. Blushing Hypnotherapy And Other Treatment For

Curing Erythrophobia. Your Fear Of Blushing: Health Facts On Facial Blushing Causes. Blushing Surgery. Blushing Hypnotherapy And Other Treatment For


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We all blush from time to time. There will always be certain situations in our life where we will feel uncomfortable and embarrassed. There is absolutely nothing to be afraid or ashamed about going red in the face when certain situations call for it. It is a very normal reaction to an increased level of stress and anxiety. However erythrophobia is out of the ordinary because it is the fear of blushing itself that is what is being dreaded. It occurs without any real reason or in anticipation of going red in the face before the situation even occurs. That may sound very funny to anyone else but for the victim of the phobia it is a very real fear. Medically called as ?Idiopathic Craniofacial Erythematic? the fear of blushing is a disorder where there is an abnormal active response of the sympathetic nervous system. In layman terms it is a condition characterized by too much sweating and reddening of the face even before any embarrassing situation occurs or without any apparent reason at all. Erythrophobia can be very stressful. It can develop hypersensitive feelings social anxiety poor interpersonal relationships low self confidence and create obstacles in the person?s intelligence emotional and social state of mind. Excessive blushing is a simple syndrome like a learning disability or stuttering. Therefore you can make it go away in time with proper treatment and care. There are lots of options available to treat excessive facial reddening and sweating. Mental relaxation scientifically called as ?Psychological Rehearsing? is the safest treatment for curing this syndrome. There are also techniques of meditation exercises hypnosis even facial creams including GABA which can be applied in order to calm down nerves impulse system and Endoscopic Thoracic Surgery (ETS) which is the only possible treatment for more severe cases. Whatever treatment you decide is right for you the important thing to remember is that you can be cured of your phobia of blushing. That said there is no need to torment yourself with worry and fear.

Paperback: 34 pages

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (December 19 2012)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1481293818

ISBN-13: 978-1481293815

Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.1 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.9 ounces

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