Stop Unreality: A Guide to Conquering Depersonalization. Derealization. DPD. Anxiety & Depression

Stop Unreality: A Guide to Conquering Depersonalization. Derealization. DPD. Anxiety & Depression


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READY TO FEEL LIKE YOUR NORMAL SELF AGAIN?Depersonalization & derealization are the third most common mental health symptoms next to anxiety & depression. Millions suffer from it yet it is virtually unstudied in medicine. Why? There are a couple theories. Mostly I think it?s because it mimics the same symptoms of anxiety & depression and often DP/DR accompanies anxiety & depression. They seem to all be interconnected in some way. Anxiety & depression get much more research put into them because they are way more frequently seen but the problem is that DP/DR are both very very hard to effectively describe to someone who has not experienced it.?From Stop UnrealityStop Unreality can help you to understand the inner-workings of depersonalization & derealization along with battling against anxiety & depression. It is a guide directly taken from a sufferer of these conditions and it utilizes tools that will help you toward a potential speedy recovery. From theories to therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Mindfulness techniques Stop Unreality can help put an end to feelings of unreality and help you to live a better life with the condition.

Paperback: 180 pages

Publisher: Klix Artwork Ltd.; First Edition edition (November 13 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0996541012

ISBN-13: 978-0996541015

Product Dimensions: 5.2 x 0.4 x 8 inches

Shipping Weight: 9.4 ounces

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