
Hello! I’m Charlotte.

Charlotte HillI’m a policy analyst trained in political science methods. I earned my Ph.D. at the Goldman School of Public Policy at UC Berkeley, where I also received my master’s degree. My research explores how structural reforms might improve American democracy, especially for the types of people who’ve historically been shut out of the process.

I believe every American deserves an equal opportunity to influence policy. To that end, I recently sat on the national boards of FairVote, a leading election reform organization, and RepresentUs, a nationwide, bipartisan anti-corruption campaign. Both of these groups aim to help America’s policy process better serve the interests of all Americans, not just those of the wealthy and powerful. I also previously served on the San Francisco Elections Commission, which oversees local elections.

Before beginning my PhD program, I developed and managed policy and communications programs for multiple organizations, including global advocacy platform Change.org. During the 2016 election season,  I ran communications for RepresentUs, helping win multiple state and local ballot initiatives. In the 2020 election cycle, I conducted several randomized controlled trials in partnership with Vote From Home 2020 to increase voter engagement.

I’ve received numerous awards for my academic and political efforts, including the Jacob K. Javits Political Leadership Scholarship, the UC Berkeley Graduate Fellowship, the Mike Synar Graduate Research Fellowship, and the Aspen Institute Socrates Program Scholarship. My research has been featured in outlets including The New York Times, CNN, and Vox.

Originally from the small, rural town of Weaverville, California, I now live in Oakland with my husband Louis, our daughter Marie and son Andre, and our two cats, Coraline and Hobbes.