Working Moms

Did your baby take their first steps at daycare?

Found out that my LO started taking steps yesterday at daycare...are any of you bothered by this?  I'm feeling too excited that he's actually hitting this milestone, so I think that's canceling out any dissappointment.  How did you guys feel about it?

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  • The boy took his first steps at home. How do I know? Because that is where we saw them. He could have been training for the Boston Marathon at daycare but it only counted when I saw them.

  • I had an agreement with my daycare provider. Any firsts that happened were not to be discussed. My feeling was that "firsts" are to be shared between baby and parents. This agreement worked wonderfully for us and I never missed a "first"!

  • My odd took her first steps when we were sitting at Jiffy Lube of all places! Our daycares never told us about any firsts, they all happened at home (as far as I know)!


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  • I have no idea. DC never told us if DD or DS did a first there. As far as I know all firsts happened with me Wink.

  • I told my dcp that if LO was hitting a milestone, to not tell me. So instead they'd say things like "lo was trying to do xyz."
  • They happened at home. They may have happened at daycare, but no one told me. I don't really care if they happened at daycare, though. I am glad they didn't tell me (if it did), but I would be excited even if I saw it the second time she walked.

  • I don't remember. I don't think they did, but am not sure.

  • my daughter's walking was more of a progression than i imagined it would be, she didn't just start walking one day, it was more like she'd take one little step then fall, then two steps then fall, etc. she was doing this at home (and daycare too) but i didn't really feel like i missed her "first steps." it was gradual so it wasn't like this ONE big moment.

  • My DD didn't, she took them at home the day after Christmas. She went back to daycare a walker after the holiday. It was nice to "be there" for them, but like PP's said, the first time you SEE it is the first time really anyway. DS took his friend steps at daycare. They were SO excited to show me and he walked to me when I got him that day, his teacher's were as happy and proud as I was. It was a nice moment and I wasn't a bit sad I didn't "see the first steps" because the first ones I saw were great!

  • DD did all of her firsts at daycare. Crawling, walking, potty, first words, alphabet... and the alphabet backwards. Which the backwards alphabet was the last straw for me. I ended up dropping out of college to look for a FT job so I could spend more time with her. While I was in college, to make ends meet I worked 2 PT jobs plus FT classes, I missed ALOT.

    Although, one milestone that I did get to see, one day I was dropping her off at pre-school and their cacoons/catipillars they had were hatching into butterflies. I stayed to watch them turn into butterflies. All the parents got to see it happen along with the kids that day. It was such perfect timing for it. We pulled into the school & everyone was standing around DD's classroom, no one was at the playground that morning, we got to go to the front of the class because it was in her classroom. Such an awesome day.

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