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en pleine forme

Translation of "en pleine forme" in English

in great shape
in good shape
in top form
in shape
in tip-top shape
in the pink of condition
on top form
in good health
alive and well
alive and kicking
in perfect health
in top shape in full form in fine form
fighting fit
in fine fettle
at the top of my form
in fighting trim
at the top of their form
at the top of her form
in rude health
at the top of your form
at the top of his form
at the top of our form


Vous êtes jeune, séduisant... en pleine forme.
You're young, handsome... in great shape.
Ainsi vous arriverez en pleine forme à votre destination.
So you will arrive in great shape at your destination.
L'immortalité biologique consiste à maintenir notre corps en pleine forme pour toujours.
Biological immortality is to keep our bodies in good shape forever.
Toujours en pleine forme, jamais malade.
Always in good shape, never ill.
Garder votre camion en pleine forme est facile.
Keeping your truck in top form is easy.
Aussi après le lavage toujours en pleine forme.
Also after washing still in top form.
L'insert en carton est en pleine forme.
The cardboard insert is in great shape.
Le voilier était propre et en pleine forme.
The sailboat was clean and in great shape.
Mais le phoque est en pleine forme.
But the seal is in great shape.
Maman est rentrée en pleine forme.
Mother came back in great shape.
Mon corps est en pleine forme.
This body is in great shape.
Son cœur est en pleine forme.
His heart is in great shape.
Les pilotes sont en pleine forme.
The riders are in great shape.
Notre filière est en pleine forme.
Our industry is in great shape.
Pourtant vous êtes encore en pleine forme.
Yet you are still in great shape.
Mais nous restons en pleine forme.
But we remain in good shape.
Malgré cette situation fatale, ma voix est en pleine forme.
In spite of this fatal situation my voice is in top form.
De quoi être en pleine forme pour repartir le lendemain.
Enough to be in great shape to leave the next day.
On sait désormais qu'ils partent en pleine forme.
We know today that they are setting off in good shape.
Les fleurs sont jolies et ont été reçues rapidement et en pleine forme.
The blooms are pretty and were received quickly and in great shape.
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