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House of Oya Botanica

Get a House Spell, for Rituals Essential Magic, Spell Oils, Advanced Magic, Magickal, Witch Spells Ritual Magick

Get a House Spell, for Rituals Essential Magic, Spell Oils, Advanced Magic, Magickal, Witch Spells Ritual Magick

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Get a House Conjure oil is a specialized blend crafted for use in magical and spiritual practices, particularly within traditions like hoodoo and folk magic. The primary purpose of this oil is to attract positive energies and aid in the manifestation of acquiring a new home or property. The oil may consist of herbs, roots, or essential oils that are associated with prosperity, stability, and the fulfillment of housing-related goals. Practitioners often anoint themselves, documents related to property transactions, or even the physical space of a potential home with this oil, believing it can enhance the likelihood of success in securing a new residence. 

What does this oil do?

Get a House Conjure oil is believed to have properties that can attract positive energies and facilitate the manifestation of acquiring a new home or property. The specific herbs, roots, or essential oils included in the oil are typically associated with prosperity, stability, and success in housing-related endeavors. When practitioners anoint themselves, relevant documents, or the physical space of a potential home with this oil, they aim to enhance the likelihood of success in securing a new residence. The oil is often used in rituals, spells, or personal ceremonies with the intention of aligning energies and intentions to support the process of obtaining a house. 

How do you use Get a House Oil?

Get a House Conjure oil can be applied in various ways to align energies and enhance the likelihood of acquiring a new home. Anointing oneself with the oil before engaging in property-related negotiations or meetings is a common practice, believed to bring positive vibrations and success to the endeavor. Additionally, practitioners often anoint documents such as rental agreements, mortgage paperwork, or even vision boards dedicated to their desired home with this oil to infuse them with the energy of manifestation. For those physically visiting potential homes, dabbing a bit of the oil on the wrists or clothing is thought to create an aura of attraction. Anointing the thresholds of homes being considered can also be done, symbolizing the intention to cross into a new and prosperous living space. 

How do you use Get a House oil in a spell?

Get a House Conjure Oil Spell:


  • Get a House Conjure oil
  • Green candle
  • Key (real or symbolic)
  • Small dish of salt
  • Small dish of soil
  • Home-related herbs (e.g., basil, sage, or cedar)
  • Piece of paper and pen
  • A map or picture of the desired neighborhood

1. Begin by purifying yourself and the space where you'll perform the spell. Light the green candle and focus on its flame as you center your energy.
2. Anoint the green candle with Get a House Conjure oil. Visualize the flame as a beacon guiding you to your new home.
3. Hold the key in your hands, charging it with your intention to unlock the doors to your new home. Anoint the key with the oil.
4. Place the small dish of salt on one side, representing stability and grounding. Place the dish of soil on the other side, symbolizing the fertile ground for your new beginnings.
5. Sprinkle the home-related herbs around the candle, creating a circle of protective and manifesting energies.
6. Place the map or picture of the desired neighborhood in the center. Trace your finger over the map, connecting with the energy of the location.
7. On the piece of paper, write a detailed description of your dream home and the feelings you wish to experience in it. Anoint the paper with Get a House Conjure oil.
8. Light the green candle, focusing on the map and your written intention. As the candle burns, visualize the process of finding, securing, and moving into your new home.
9. Bury the key, the paper, and a portion of the herbs in the soil dish, symbolizing the planting of your intentions in fertile ground. Sprinkle a bit of salt on top for stability.
10.  Allow the candle to burn completely. Express gratitude for the assistance in your housing manifestation. Bury the remnants of the candle near the entrance of your current residence or in a potted plant.


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Conjure oil, Spell oil, Ritual oil, Hoodoo, pagan, wicca, rootworker ifa, santeria, Magic, Spell Oil, Advanced Oil Magic, Magickal Oil, Witch Spells, Powerful spells, oil for candles, witchcraft, prayer oil, anointing oil, love spell, money spell, essential oil, spell casting, psychic, voodoo,

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