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API Imports - add/create hardware models

How-to video - add/create hardware models with API Imports

Hi, this is Marc from Device42. Let's talk about how to import hardware using the API Import function. In Device42 you can add and/or update almost any data using the REST API. This same functionality has been extended to enable the import of almost any data using a simple Excel spreadsheet.

Here you see the API Import page, let's download a sample Excel file. We are going to use this sample file to import new hardware models. For each import type, the link to the documentation is included. Here we see the documentation for the create/update API call. Name is the only required parameter. This is my existing data, which I will copy over to the sample sheet. I have added the data to the sample sheet. Remember, name is required. However, since devices are based on hardware models - U size is required before a device can be added to a rack. If you don't add the U size here, it can be added later via the Bulk Hardware Edit tool - which can be located via the Tools menu as shown here.

Let's go ahead and import the data...choose the file, click import, the results are displayed upon completion.

This concludes the API Hardware Import video, thanks for watching!