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Vanilla Dry Shampoo

Vanilla Dry Shampoo is an awesome way to better maintain your hair between washes. Use it to refresh your hair after a long day and to get rid of nasty oily spots.   Ingredients 1 Cup of Rice Powder 1 1/2 Teaspoons of Ground Vanilla Bean Powder Mason jar  Instructions Measure out 1 cup of rice powder in a pint-sized Mason jar.  Add the ground vanilla bean powder. Combine evenly. Store in a tight container away from direct sunlight.

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10- Vanilla Vodka

You can make Vanilla Vodka or add Vanilla flavor to Whiskey, Bourbon, Gin or any other alcoholic beverage. Just slice 1 bean in length leaving the top 1 cm attached and drop it in the bottle. Keep it in for 2 to 4 weeks shaking the bottle occasionally. Use 1 or 2 vanilla bean per 300 ml of hard liquor.   

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9- Vanilla Infused Body Oil

Use this oil straight on the body as a moisturizer, for the hair to blend into your other skincare recipes like a body cream or body butter! If you have tiny seeds in your oil that you don’t want on your skin, strain them out with a coffee filter.

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8- Vanilla Sugar Body Scrub

Dry out your used vanilla pods and in a blender with just enough sugar to get your blender going. Then mix what you blended with fine sugar (if you blend all of the sugar, your scrub will be too powdery and will melt away in the oil) Place the sugar in a nice container and slowly add oil (check out my favorite oils for skin) until it forms a wet sand consistency.

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7- Vanilla Flavored Coffee

Gently warm sliced vanilla pods in milk to flavor your coffee. Tip: afterwards, rinse the pods in water and let them dry out, you can still use them to make vanilla sugar, vanilla salt or add them to various recipe. Vanilla pods are good to be used several times!

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