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Meet Us



Yellowstone Guide Training at Lower Falls

Deb Kulcsar, M.S. Education
Deb has worked in the education field for over 30 years. Her work began with inner city Cleveland students and fed into her passion for connecting youth to the wonders and workings of the natural world and using adventure as a natural avenue for personal growth. Along the way she taught in the graduate outdoor education program at Akron U., worked in a youth residential treatment facility, started a before and after school program for Boulder Valley Schools and with partner and husband David, co-founded the Wilderness Camp program which eventually became part of CU Science Discovery. Her specialty includes developing science-focused wilderness journeys and educational adventures for school groups with just the right amount of adventure, generous doses of community building and reflection time to let it all settle before the journey home. Deb is a lead facilitator at the West Pines Training Center and teaches in the Outdoor Education program at Red Rocks Community College in Lakewood, CO where she teaches Outdoor Leadership, Wilderness Ethics and Challenge Course Facilitation. She is a current Wilderness First Responder. She recently received the NCCPS (National Challenge Course Practitioners Symposium) “2017 Facilitator of the Year” award.

David Darst
David Darst, M.S. Education
David brings an extraordinary gift for communicating in ways that nurture and extend an experience to its fullest. David’s vision of developing extended wilderness trips with a science focus became a reality and for 23 years nurtured the growth and development of wilderness camps and outdoor classrooms in Boulder. He is a seasoned facilitator, former middle school science teacher and current ropes course manager. David’s depth and passion for quality enhance all of his relationships. His creative eye for program options insure that groups receive the best possible learning experience that matches their needs.

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