NFP, and the search for useful material at a reasonable price.

Many things are needed when you are builing stuff. Scaffolding is needed when a building is too high too reach from the ground. Seems logical. However, sometimes one just doesn’t see this beforehand. Like me. I just reached a point where it was too high to work…

For me things must be good quality, low price. That means i will have to take a look around.

And here the magic comes in: When you know exactly what you’re looking for, you can draw it out of the zeropoint. With your imagination. Which is what i did, and always do. This does not mean it is free of charge. You just find it, or better, it comes to you.

Sometimes many things have to be done before you can ‘materialize’ some thing.

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History of Stichting Fix Nature.

Why pollute?

I do not always realize that other people might not know what Fix Nature means, despite the fact that the words are obvious, and very simple in their meaning.

Therefore i will explain the obvious, so there will be no misunderstandings left.

It all started with the declining of our natural environment. The increasing blur in the air, the pollution became more visible by the day. That was in the ’80’s.

It became worse and worse, so in 1990 we decided to do something about it, and founded our foundation: Stichting Nature Fiction. The name was chosen because sceince fiction was something that did not exist, and cleaning nature, well, would prolly never exist either. So we knew how difficult it would become. The reality was worse. Today, we know that the beings that control the illusion they created, are not effected by the pollution they cause, only the bodies they inhabit, suffer from it. And because they lack empathy, they don’t care about humans. For them they are cattle under their control.

Human cattle…

Some of the most severe pollution, was to blow crude animal shit mixed with animal piss through the air. The microbes that created raw material from food in the gas or odeur that became freed when performing the action, tried to create raw material everywhere it landed, devastating the most vulnerable trees: Fruittrees. Because it was crude, Nitrite was formed, which is very damaging to the imune system when in drinking water. And all the wells were polluted with it.

This happens…

Back then, people were heard by the national press. It was not bought and censored as much as it is now.

So, we started to put pressure on the government to change the fertilizer laws, to make the above behavior impossible. It took 10 years to complete. But the politicians that were assigned to create decent laws, were not very bright. And instead of using the advice of real experts, they winged parts of it. Un fortunately the most important part: The cause, was not addressed the proper way. And interpreted wrong: The manure cellars should become septic manure cellars, (to prevent the production of nitriet, which happens when ureum is not broken down properly), so instead of nitrite, nitrate would be formed. Which is harmless.

Human Cattle.

The changing of the fertilizer law had a lot of impact on the farmersociety.

In my village they blaimed me for the damage, instead of understanding what they had been doing, which ofcourse necessitated the changes of the entire cattle breeding. The livestock had to shrink, because we were drowning in manure. 200 farmers had to migrate to Poland, Canada, England and Australia.

There was nothing i got permission for. I had to wait 25 years, for the old council to die, before that slightly changed. Which is the reason everything took so long. A total of 35 years ‘wasted’, because i somewhat damaged the financial interests of a few rich and mighty men. But it was necessary, and i would do it again.

Fixnature 30 Years.

What we have lost in 30 years?
Our freedom, our money, our health, all our human rights, the constitution and our freedom of speech, which was always we thought belonged in a democracy…. But a policestate is no Democracy now, is it?

Things have changed a lot since the founding of this ‘foundation’. In fact, it changes so much, that nothing will ever be the same again.

We all know, the going down the drain, started in 1996. Trias Politica, seized to be: Intro to the worldwide police state. Most people did not seem to notice what was actually going on. The bright ones, the wake ones, yes, they felt something began to feel ‘off’ with the world…

Slowly the world began to see how it would going to look…

The cabal, not so known as today, started to create the landscape:

  • No more borders
  • No more Nations
  • No more freedom
  • No more money
  • More surveilance

All according an old plan, that always worked. Devide and Conquer, top down hierarchy. Say goodby to ‘Democracy’.

Ofcourse no one should notice before it’s too late…

Corporate Brainwashingmachine

They started with the lies, as always..

And people still could not see trough them. It was still always about the money. How could the most money be ‘taken’?

  • War
  • Food
  • Health/sickness

Control, had to be the number one. So how are the people controlled?

  • Lies
  • MSM
  • False flags
  • Factory food
  • Chem trails
  • Spreading of disseases
  • Controlled opposition
  • Censorship
1996 These will be taken very soon. Fear for uprisings will be less if the people are disarmed…

We all know how it looks now.

All our freedom gone, Martial Law, Curfews, Economy devastated, Lockdown.

Very slowly the people are waking up, in disbelief of what has happened while they were asleep. Was this done by their governments? Not exactly. But they complied with it, out of ignorance, vanity or greed?