Phibsboro boxing club

Phibsboro boxing club is a sports venue in , . Phibsboro boxing club is situated close to and the sports venue .
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Phibsboro boxing club Map
Phibsboro boxing club

Notable Places in the Area

is a former drinking water reservoir in northern central which operated from 1810 until the 1970s, serving the north city. is situated 200 metres northeast of Phibsboro boxing club.

is a football in on the Northside of , . is situated 720 metres north of Phibsboro boxing club.

is a former motte-and-bailey castle and current Irish government complex and conference centre. is situated 1½ km south of Phibsboro boxing club.

Localities in the Area

is an inner suburb on the northside of city, .

, also spelled Phibsboro, is a mixed commercial and residential neighbourhood on the Northside of , .

, is a neighbourhood of , , on the Northside of the city between the , the North Circular Road, , and .

Phibsboro boxing club

53.35572° or 53° 21' 21" north
-6.27243° or 6° 16' 21" west
Open Location Code
Open­Street­Map ID
node 5280316270
Open­Street­Map Feature
Open­Street­Map Attribute
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Phibsboro boxing club Satellite Map

Phibsboro boxing club Satellite Map
© OpenStreetMap, Mapbox and Maxar

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About Mapcarta. Thanks to Mapbox for providing amazing maps. Data © OpenStreetMap contributors and available under the Open Database License. Text is available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license, excluding photos, directions and the map. Photo: Wikimedia, CC0.