DShaw’s EZ Notary Of Decatur

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Reviews about DShaw’s EZ Notary Of Decatur

/  12 reviews and 10 ratings
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  • Mr. Shaw was professional, courteous and very informative during the entire process making it a priority to recommend him to friends and family....And a great neighbor
    • Thanks Vickie, appreciate your business. You are a great neighbor, too. Let me know if you need my services in the future.
  • Was in a bind, needed a notary ASAP and Donnell came through. Very friendly guy, highly recommend.
    • Thanks Jonathan, appreciate your business and look forward to working with you in the future.
  • Mr. Shaw was very professional and courteous! I will definitely refer back to him whenever I need a notary. Thank you x100
    • Thank you x100 Zhane. It was a pleasure meeting you and doing business with you. Looking forward to working with you again in the future.
  • Process was quick and easy as he lead me through it. Really nice guy and very professional
  • Nice guy, great job!!!
  • Exceptionally fast and easy to work with. Thank you for the responsiveness.
    • Thanks Dylan, appreciate your business and look forward to working with you in the future.
  • Very nice professional not only was he waiting on my service he was extremely kind polite and also helpful so if u need yr notary done officially without hassle and without delay contact Dshaw and he will handle it all yadigggggggggggg
  • Very professional and helpful. Would definitely recommend!
    • Thanks K Russ,
      Appreciate your business and look forward to working with you in the future.
  • Professional, Great communication, competitive pricing.. I will recommend to family and friends in the Decatur area who need a prompt notary service. Thank you.
  • I will definitely use Shaw’s notary again… he made it fast and easy to get it done and he is right off Marta Rte 186… convenient for someone like who does not drive. Thanks again for the courtesy, the professionalism, and the time.
  • I t was such a pleasure to do business with Mr.Shaw. He was excellent in executing his services, and showed great professionalism all way round. And to know that chivalry is indeed not dead; it was raining when I arrived at his place of business. Mr. Shaw promptly came to my car with an umbrella and escorted me in…what a gentleman!
    • Thanks Donna, It was a pleasure doing business with you. and looking forward to working with you again.
  • Very professional services and experience i highly recommended him
with marks
Average rating - 4.8 based on 12 reviews and 10 ratings