Professional company report about UAB "Komersantas"

Komersantas, UAB report

Comprehensive, professionally prepared business reports about the company UAB "Komersantas" (305444001)

Run a credit check on a company within a matter of minutes. You have the option to request a thorough professional report on a company's creditworthiness and receive it instantly!

Professional report

Don't risk it! Get up-to-date company information on:

  • past or present debts,
  • past or present corporate asset freezes.

Make the right cooperation decision.

Professional report

Don't risk it! Get up-to-date company information on:

  • past or present debts,
  • past or present corporate asset freezes.

Make the right cooperation decision.

Financial report

Obtain the most up-to-date financial reports of the company:

  • a single document containing profit/loss statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements.
Financial statement year: 2022


Financial report

Obtain the most up-to-date financial reports of the company:

  • a single document containing profit/loss statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements.
Financial statement year: 2022


Information on company creditworthiness is supplied by Creditinfo Lietuva – a credit office belonging to the international Creditinfo Group companies group – helping companies to take reasonable crediting solutions and follow responsible lending principles.

Your information

Your order


Your order

Professional report

89 € (with VAT)

If you would like to pay for the report by bank transfer, write here.


Your order

Professional report

89 € (with VAT)

If you would like to pay for the report by bank transfer, write here.

*The fields marked with an asterisk are required. This information is required for the invoice. The invoice is issued by UAB Creditinfo Lietuva. In case of any questions, please contact tel. +370 5 239 4131, email [email protected].

With just a few clicks of a button you can get comprehensive information about the standing of a client or business partners – this will help you to avoid transactions with big liquidity or bankruptcy risk entities and possible loss. The credit report provides for econometric overdues and bankruptcy ratings showing the company’s probability of overdue payments for 90 days or likely bankruptcy. The forecast is for a 12-month period. This helps to evaluate the business partner’s health not only for the present, but also for the immediate future.

The report includes:

  • company credit ratings;
  • company management, shareholders, participants, contact information;
  • company managers, shareholder (if he owns 100% of the company's shares), participants, contact details;
  • financial ratios, legal information from courts on property lien;
  • car fleet and its value;
  • references to the company in the media and statistical information.

Reports seller:

UAB Creditinfo Lietuva
Company code: 111689163
Address: Goštauto street 40A, LT-03163 Vilnius, Lithuania
Phone no.: +370 5 239 4131
Email: [email protected]