A1 Bed Bug Exterminator Miami

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Why We Are The Premier Bed Bug Exterminator In Miami Florida

Dealing with bed bugs is never a fun process and it is one that one never wants to go through. We can tell you this first hand, being that it is something we deal with every day. That being said, if you are located in Miami or the surrounding areas it is likely that you might encounter an infestation. Heck, you might even be dealing with one right now. Whatever the situation is, there is simply no denying that you have tons of quality providers to choose from. Quality providers that will be able to provide top-notch bed bug treatment options. However, there are some out there that aren’t quite up to par either. This is why we are going to take the time to explain to you why you should always pick us over the competition.

Properly Licensed And Insured

The first thing that you need to know about our company is that we are licensed and insured. Now, this does not mean that we just have license and insurance policies to protect our employees. We have license and insurance policies that protect our customers as well as their property. For instance, we carry what is known as error and omissions insurance. This is a type of insurance that will protect our customers and their property in a number of situations. If there is an oversight by one of our employees, you can rest assured that our insurance will cover the damages.

You won’t have to worry about chasing us down or tacking up to court because we are geared specifically for these types of situations. That being said, we do take pride in never encountering these types of situations, but we just want our customers to know that we have policies in place just in case something like this happens.


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A1 Bed Bug Exterminator Miami

Locally Based In Miami

This one might sound a bit crazy, but you would be surprised how man bed bug removal companies aren’t based in Miami or the surrounding areas. There are tons of fly-by-night companies that just come rolling through the area, offer treatment, and get back out with your money. Now, if they handle the problem right the first time around this won’t necessarily be a problem. The only thing is there is usually no one-time treatment for bed bugs. Bed bug removal usually requires several follow up treatments will careful analysis and planning. Not only this but in the event that something goes wrong you won’t be able to collect on the warranties and guarantees.

This is something that you won’t have to worry about when dealing with our company. We have a physical location right in Miami. Not that we would ever hide from our customers, but you can come and visit us in person if you feel like we are avoiding you.

A1 Bed Bug Exterminator Miami