Mike’s Bridge House is a Level II 5-bedroom sober living residence for men, owned and operated by Athens Mental Health Inc., dba The Gathering Place.

Mike’s Bridge House is located at 34 West Washington Street in downtown Athens, Ohio and is adjacent to The Gathering Place, the two facilities share a backyard with decking to connect to each other.

We support individuals who have co-occurring mental illness and substance use disorder. Traditional Recovery housing does not always address the needs of an individual coping with co-occurring mental illness and substance use disorder. In continuing our mission of community integration, healthy living and personal development, we are excited to offer this supportive and sober housing option for members of our community in recovery.

Our purpose is to provide individuals with the opportunity to recover from substance use disorder and to work towards recovery in managing their mental illness.

This process involves providing participants with a safe haven, free of drugs and alcohol, that is supportive of the development of healthy habits and independent and responsible living. Peer support, access to local resources that offer medical, physical, and substance use and mental health care; and opportunities for personal growth and development are also part of the program. Residents will be building a social community together and will take part in volunteer and work activities in our community.

Mike’s Bridge House is not a treatment center and/or detoxification center. All clinical treatment services are provided off site through licensed professionals at Hopewell Health Centers, Inc., Integrated Services, and Health and Recovery Services.