
Podere Saragiolo

Podere Saragiolo

Via Achille Grandi 12b, 53049 - Torrita di Siena (SI)
Tel. +39 347 175 5842

Would you like to see the fruit of your labor end up in the pot and become a dull dish? Not Aldo and Cinzia, direct growers of the Podere Saragiolo Organic Farm in Torrita di Siena. Moreover, in addition to grow and sell seasonal fruit and vegetables, they are keen to explain their customers the methods of use for the products in the kitchen and the best traditional Tuscan and Italian recipes. Direct growers and sales staff in their shop in Torrita di Siena, transform some of their vegetables into tasty dishes such as garlic sauce, vegetable sauce, grilled peppers, aubergine cream.

Their working philosophy is mainly focused on collaboration: between the two brothers and with customers in a virtuous circle of do ut des. They create new crops and proposals from the exchange of ideas, researches in the kitchen, recipes and information on Tuscan and Italian products.

The Biological Farm is located in a place that Cinzia defines as “a happy island”, because the fields of the farm are surrounded by woods and bordering another biological farm. Cultivation of fruit and vegetables takes place according to seasonality, with the only help of natural substances and completely excluding products made by chemical synthesis, in full compliance with the production methods of biological farming.


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