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Jon Favreau buys Santa Monica home for $6,800,000

Jon Favreau Acquires $6.8M SFR In Santa Monica

Jon Favreau buys Santa Monica home for $6,800,000

Single Family Residence
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Single Family Residence

Jon Favreau, known for Marvel films and "The Mandalorian," purchased a contemporary Santa Monica home for $6.8 million. This property is located in the Santa Monica market and is classified as a single-family residential (SFR) asset. The transaction took place on 09/05/2023.

Summary of transaction details:

  • Property Type: Single-Family Residential (SFR)
  • Transaction Amount: $6,800,000
  • Market: Santa Monica

This purchase adds to Jon Favreau's existing real estate portfolio, which already includes a $25 million mansion in Laguna Beach and a $5 million property in Venice that serves as his production company's offices.


Deal Summary
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IMAGE: The Mandalorian, Jon Favreau & Grogu DATE: 09/05/2023 MARKET: Santa Monica ASSET TYPE: SFR BUYER: Jon Favreau (@JonFavreau) SALE PRICE: $6,800,000 NOTE: Jon Favreau, known for Marvel films and "The Mandalorian," bought a $6.8 million contemporary Santa Monica home, expanding his four-house compound. This adds to his $25 million Laguna Beach mansion and a $5 million Venice property used for his production company's offices.

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AddressJon Favreau buys Santa Monica home for $6,800,000


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