Explore Columbus: The Roosevelt Coffeehouse & Grandview Grind

For our exploration of Columbus, Lisa and I went to two different coffee shops. The first one we went to was Grandview Grind. I picked Lisa up from her dorm and then I drove us to the coffee shop. I would recommend driving to this location as it is a bit far from campus. There might be a COTA that goes close to this location, but it was much easier to drive there. It was both of our first times going there. It was a small coffee shop located in Grandview, Ohio. We both ordered latte’s and then we worked on homework there. We were there for a few hours getting to know each other and talking about how our weeks have been. Lisa was explaining to me how she was getting ready to go on vacation with her family and was excited to get out of her dorm for awhile. 

Lisa also talked to me about how dorm selection would work for her sophomore year. I told her she would need to pick a roommate group by February as you have to create the group and then housing will send out a lottery number of your selection. I told her how when I was doing this process I had a difficult time finding a roommate as my roommate was joining a sorority and everyone I knew already had a roommate. I also told her that most of the larger dorm rooms get picked first so if she and her roommate group would like to pick this option then they will have to hope for a low lottery number. We then talked about if she would be allowed to live off-campus next year. I told her it was a possibility since I was able to with everything happening with COVID. I told her that I really like living off-campus with the ability to cook my own meals. I think that the ability to cook has allowed me to not get as exhausted through the semester as I did when I could only eat campus food. 

Overall, we both had a great experience and enjoyed this coffee shop. I could recommend it to a friend as it has great options for coffee and local bakery treats. It is also one of the closer options of a coffee shop near campus, so it would be a great study spot for students looking to do homework off-campus. 

In our next exploration of Columbus experience, we went to The Roosevelt Coffeehouse. I am a regular at this coffee shop, but it was Lisa’s first time. I come here about once a week and love their ice maple lattes. I also ordered a blueberry pop tart, which was made by a vegan and gluten-free bakery. It was very good and I would gladly order it again. Lisa ordered an iced oat milk latte. She said she always tries to order oat milk as she thinks it tastes better than normal whole milk in lattes. 

This coffee shop is located in downtown Columbus, Ohio. I picked Lisa up from her dorm and drove us to the coffee shop. It was about a 10-minute drive. I do know that a COTA does go from campus to downtown, so if we did not have a car we could have taken the COTA and then walked the rest of the way to Roosevelt. 

We spent a few hours there working on homework. I worked on my medieval history videos, while she worked on her psychology assignments. She told me she really liked this coffee shop as it has many tables for studying and great coffee options. 

While we were here we talked about school and how her classes are going. She told me her one psychology class is not very interesting and that it is hard to have the motivation to complete the assignments. She also told me that her teacher for this class is not a very difficult grader and with knowing this she does not have to put in a lot of effort into her assignments. I also told her that I have been lacking motivation in my classes. With everything online this semester it is difficult to continue doing the same assignments each week. It has become repetitive and quite boring. So with the last stretch of the semester coming, we must work harder to keep up our motivation to finish strong. 

Lisa really enjoyed our time together and said she really loved the coffee and the atmosphere of the Roosevelt Coffeehouse. That being said she said she would love to come back next semester. I told her I come almost every week so I would love it if she tagged along with me next semester. Roosevelt is one of the most amazing coffee shops in Columbus and we both would recommend it to anyone who has not been able to experience it yet!

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