
katiaKatia Ghazi-Dahan studied in Paris, France, where she finished a six-year Diplôme d’Ostéopathie (DO). She has been practicing for more than a decade the traditional osteopathic techniques, which help restore the body’s natural self-healing process without the need of drugs or chemicals. Her expertise includes cranio-sacral, visceral, musculo-skeletal, fascial, vascular and neural manipulations.

She was a member of the Integrative Medicine Center at St Barnabas Ambulatory Care Center. In Paris France, she led several osteopathic teams that covered musical comedies, marathons and basketball games. She has worked as volunteer applying osteopathic techniques to alleviate the condition of autistic and trisomic children.

Her vision of the body as an interconnected whole makes her approach unique. She treats each case by identifying and treating its origins rather than the symptoms.

Miss Ghazi-Dahan advanced her studies with a degree in managing pain and discomfort during and after pregnancy. She works with pregnant women to treat their back and sciatic pains, headaches and digestive disorders.

She is an expert in the human anatomy, which is fundamental for any manual therapy. She has a degree in clinical anatomy and has taught anatomy and biomechanic classes at osteopathic schools for students and healthcare professionals. She gives lectures and workshops to nurses and massage therapists on osteopathic topics.

Because of her expertise and wide range of techniques she can work with babies, pregnant women, adults and elderly.