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What does DARP stand for?

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Rank Abbr.Meaning
DARPDay(s) After Reporting Period
DARPDial-a-Ride Problem
DARPDecisions and Results with Peers (Moblize Software Suite for the Oil and Gas market)
DARPDepartament d'Agricultura, Ramaderia i Pesca (Department of Agriculture, Cattle Breeding and Fishing)
DARPDamage Assessment and Restoration Program
DARPDownlink Advanced Receiver Performance (GSM/3GPP)
DARPDrug Abuse Reporting Program
DARPDefense Airborne Reconnaissance Program
DARPDynamic Adaptive Routing Protocol
DARPDistributional Analysis Research Program (London School of Economics; UK)
DARPDumbledore's Army Roleplay (gaming)
DARPData Action/nursing decision, Response, Plan
DARPDigital Audio Radio Playout (software)
DARPDirect Accident Response Program (New York)
DARPDynamic Asset Replacement Planning
DARPData Assessment Response Plan
DARPDiplôme d'Animateur Régional Provisoire (French: Provisional Regional Leader Diploma)
DARPDopamine Agonist-Resistant Prolactinoma (biology)
DARPDynamic Aircraft Route Planning in Selected Airspace (US FAA)
DARPDopamine Receptor Protein
DARPDisaster Avoidance and Recovery Plans

Note: We have 31 other definitions for DARP in our Acronym Attic