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The Bernoulli distribution is one of the simplest probability distributions. It is based on the idea of a Bernoulli trial. This is an experiment with only two possible outcomes: "success" which occurs with probability p, and "failure", which occurs with probability 1 - p. The random variable X which equals 1 for a success and 0 for a failure has a Bernoulli(p) distribution.

Parameter Range Description
p 0 ≤ p ≤ 1 Probability of success

Probability Mass Function

P ( X = x | p ) = p x ( 1 - p ) 1 - x


x = 0 , 1



Example p
A fair coin is tossed. Let X = 1 for heads and X = 0 for tails. 0.5000
A fair six-sided die is thrown. Let X = 1 if a 6 is thrown, and 0 otherwise. 0.1667
The probability that an LED light bulb will fail this year is 0.2. Let X = 1 if the bulb fails this year and X = 0 if the bulb continues working. 0.2000

X ~ Bernoulli(p)

Chart of the Bernoulli distribution Chart area for displaying the Bernoulli pmf, cdf, visualizations, and simulations

E(X) = , Var(X) =

The expected value can be changed directly by dragging left or right on the chart. This can also be done using the box below the chart which shows the mean ± one standard deviation. As the expected value gets closer to 0 or 1, the variance also approaches zero.

The illustration above shows an experiment with only two possible outcomes:

X = 0 indicates "failure" which occurs with probability 1 - p.
X = 1 indicates "success" which occurs with probability p.

The simulation above shows a number U chose randomly from the interval [0, 1]. The light blue line shows the Bernoulli(p) random variable X which equals 1 if U falls in the green interval of length p, and 0 if U falls in the grey interval of length 1 - p. The histogram accumulates the results of each simulation.

Y = max Xᵢ ~ Bernoulli(1 - (1 - p)ⁿ) min Xᵢ ~ Bernoulli(pⁿ) Σ Xᵢ ~ Binomial(n, p)

Chart of the related distribution Chart area for displaying the related pdf, cdf, visualization, and simulation

E(Y) = , Var(Y) =